Almost the same as everyone else, but other.

A few word about the game

Imagine a young man who gets seriously ill, but then, through not-so-ordinary circumstances miraculously recovers. However, he changed quite a bit, almost stopped talking, he only ate, slept and watched TV all the time. His hair color changed. The shape of his face, his figure changed too. And although he was still recognizable as the same person who had been lying dying a few weeks ago, there was something different about him.

As time went on, he continued to change and now he became more and more interested in the women around him. However, his charm was clearly not enough to succeed with them. And to solve this problem, he was able to find a rather unusual way. He himself called it tricks. For example, he could make a person stop feeling pain, or on the contrary, increase their sensations. And everything would be all right, and something he even began to get his way, but someone from his loved ones needed real help and it was no longer up to tricks ...

After the guy recovered a lot of time passed, and he stopped being a fragile and shy young man, but nevertheless he still did not know what he wanted from life. And fate threw him all new problems, with which he is not always successfully coped with, and barely dealing with one problem immediately fell into another.

Will you be able to help him get out of all the troubles that the world has prepared for him, and if so, will you still have time to take care of his loved ones, because you are not going to live alone?

And one more thing, I forgot to tell you, you have to play a little bit other guy...

Going through a huge amount of events and dialog, you will be able to build relationships with many women. And to succeed you will often have to make a choice, which is not always reduced to what hole to put in. But don't be scared, the narrative is built in such a way that you won't have to go through the same chapter several times for the sake of an alternative scene. If you will at least a little insight into what is happening, and make decent decisions, you will easily cope with all the most impossible tasks that will appear before the main character. This does not mean that the plot is absolutely linear, although it is mostly so, but its structure is quite free because of what, I hope, you will not need any guides or walkthroughs to overcome it. 

The game is based on the scheme of the 'Sandbox', but with some features that are designed to vary your time in it. The dialog system has a slightly non-standard look, because of which some of the usual functions like 'Skip' or 'History' had to be abolished, hopefully this will be a big problem. 

More details can be found in the 'About the Game' tab, directly in the game itself. More and more information will appear there as the update is released. 

And yes, the game was built from assets of the very project you're thinking of. But still, I bet your time that I can surprise you if you give it a chance..

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